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Project Inquiry

Fill this form out as best you can so we can get a good idea of what you're looking for.
We'll be in touch very soon!

  • Nice to meet you :)

  • Don't worry, I don't keep a log of emails or subscribe you to a newsletter.

  • For when we need to chat.

  • Technical Architecture, Interactive Media, Product, Visual interface, Digital Technology,, ect.

The more in-depth you go here, the better.
This is all about getting to know your goals, focus, and mission statement.
If this is the part you need help with, then just try to fill out as much as you can.

  • Do you work with / Are part of a company?

  • It's important for me to know your mission, company / organization goals, ect.

  • Do you work with / Are part of a company?

  • Don't worry, this isn’t a negotiation tactic.
    There are certain avenues we can explore with different budgets.
    Knowing what your budget is will help us know which roads we can't and can go down.